GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2024-04-19T20:02:18+00:00 Samuel Akpan Bassey Open Journal Systems GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis A Socio-Cultural, Religious Factors and the Sexual Behavior of Adolescent and Young Women: A Comparative Study between North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa 2023-11-01T17:02:55+00:00 Nito Luís MAGESSO <p>Since the last century, humanity has been ravaged by the HIV epidemic, with a higher incidence in adolescent and young women, thus presenting itself as a challenge to sexual health and as a barrier to the human development of this social layer, especially on the African continent. This study analyses sociocultural and religious elements that influence the sexual behaviour of adolescent and young women from a perspective between North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa. Through a bibliographic survey in the databases of UNUSIDA, UNESCO, the World Bank, and periodic and scientific magazines that deal with the incidence of HIV in young women and adolescents (15–24 years old) in Africa, the study found that in North Africa, dominant culture and religion have a strong impact on influencing women to abstain and comply with norms prohibiting sex before marriage. On the contrary, in Sub-Saharan Africa, there are traditional uses and customs that are dangerous in terms of the risk of HIV contamination, such as early marriage and other sexual norms. The study concludes that society, culture, and religion must be perceived as factors that can create protection and promote the creation of interpersonal networks capable of increasing the dissemination of information related to HIV, as well as the use of condoms by women.</p> 2024-01-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nito Luís MAGESSO Humanism and Aesthetics in the Light of Udo Etuk’s Perception 2024-02-14T17:40:35+00:00 Dennis Otto Moses Udoh <p>The meaning of life or the world is as individuals perceive it. While some may claim that life is beautiful and pleasant, others may claim that it is ugly and unpleasant. And either of the perceptions is valid, insofar as it is an expression of authentic personal experience of the individuals expressing it. The perception emanates from some form of doctrine or culture that the individuals cultivate and commit themselves as they advance through life. This is the reason for individuals’ disparity of perceptions even on identical ideas or objects. Accordingly, while some people with religious orientation of life may claim that an idea or object is beautiful because God made it so, others with humanist conviction may claim of the same idea or object that it is beautiful because man made it so.&nbsp; &nbsp;This disparity in perception and meaning-making of life, particularly along religious and humanist lines, has been a subject of huge and extensive debate right from antiquity till the present. And this essay is an exercise in the debate. It specifically discusses aesthetic perception of life along humanist convictions.&nbsp; Among numerous types and approaches to humanism available, the essay adapts Udo Etuk’s New Humanism for its conclusion.</p> 2024-02-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dennis Otto, Moses Udoh Christian Association of Nigeria and Inter-Religious Relations in Sapele Metropolis: An Evaluation 2024-02-26T19:51:13+00:00 Okiemute Valour Biokoro Peter Ottuh <p>This research examines the Christian Association of Nigeria's (CAN) role in interfaith partnerships in Sapele, Delta State, and suggests strategies for improving interfaith relations. The study uses historical and phenomenological methods, focusing on primary and secondary sources. It highlights the need for understanding religious peace among Nigeria's three primary religions, Christianity, Islam, and African traditional religion, and contributes to strengthening and promoting interfaith relations in Sapele in particular and Nigeria in general. The article concludes that interfaith relations among traditionalists, Muslims, and Christians in Sapele and Nigeria at large are crucial for eradicating prejudice, achieving shared goals, and promoting peace, justice, and moral ideals, despite their associated challenges.</p> 2024-02-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Okiemute Valour Biokoro, Peter Ottuh Symbolism of Redemption and Repentance in Meursault's Trajectory: A Christian Interpretation of Albert Camus's “L'Étranger” (The Outsider) 2024-03-16T02:09:56+00:00 Peter Akongfeh AGWU Derick A. ASHABUA <p>The <em>Outsider</em>, known in French as “<em>L'Étranger</em>” has intrigued literary scholars with its existential themes, yet a comprehensive perspective of theological symbolism, particularly pertaining to redemption and repentance in the protagonist, Meursault's trajectory remains largely unexplored. This study fill this gap by examining the sophisticated viewpoints of Christian imagery embedded in Meursault's character and actions. The primary objective is to analyze and interpret the symbolic elements of redemption and repentance in Meursault's journey drawing on the broader framework of Christian themes. This research adopts a hermeneutic approach, to employ principles of literary analysis and Christian symbolism interpretation. Drawing on relevant theological frameworks, the study aims to decipher the Christian undertones in Meursault's path, and to explore how the character's experiences align with or subvert these traditional Christian narratives. The study’s findings reveals the complicated levels of Christian symbolism throughout Meursault's journey. Elements such as his moral struggles, moments of self-reflection, and interactions with other characters are examined to unveil the symbolic significance of these biblical concepts. The analysis highlights the novel's potential dualities in existential and Christian themes. The research’s contribution to existing knowledge is that it offers a fresh perspective on Albert Camus's literary creations.</p> 2024-03-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Peter Akongfeh AGWU, Derick A. ASHABUA Optimizing tax administration: A comprehensive analysis of the effect of e-filing tax system on taxpayers’ compliance burden in Tanzania 2024-03-18T13:42:23+00:00 Rufina Justine MILAMO Mato James MAGOBE <p>Employing partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), the study examines the effects of tax system quality factors on corporate taxpayers’ usage of the e-filing tax system. Additionally, it explores the relationship between e-filing tax system usage and tax compliance burden. The analysis is based on survey data collected from 250 medium and large taxpayers, who were already engaged in online VAT return filing before 2020. The findings reveal that system quality and service quality significantly influence extent of taxpayers' usage of the e-filing tax system, leading to a subsequent reduction in the tax compliance burden. The study contributes to academic knowledge by applying a modified version of DeLone and McLean's Information System Success model to assess the success of e-filing in an environment characterised by mandatory adoption. The practical implications highlight the necessity for tax authorities to implement measures aimed at improving the user-friendliness and service-oriented functionalities of the e-filing tax system. This research holds significance as it provides valuable insights into enhancing the effectiveness of the e-filing tax system within a mandatory adoption context, offering guidance for policymakers and tax authorities to improve tax compliance and overall system performance.</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rufina Justine MILAMO, Mato James MAGOBE Investigating the Efficacy of Integrating Nigerian Cultural Texts into the English Language Curriculum for Secondary School Students 2024-03-28T14:02:35+00:00 Judith Chinedu Udeh Veronica Onwanyi <p>The integration of cultural texts into educational curricula has garnered global attention as a method to foster cultural appreciation, identity, and linguistic proficiency. Acknowledging the importance of cultural identity in education, educators and policymakers increasingly agree on the necessity of including indigenous cultural elements in academic programs. However, the adoption of culturally inclusive practices in the English language curriculum within Nigerian secondary schools remains limited. A gap persists between students' cultural heritage and the materials they encounter in the classroom, potentially impeding their language acquisition and cultural comprehension. This study aims to address this issue by examining the effectiveness of incorporating Nigerian cultural texts into the English language curriculum for secondary school students. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the study conducts qualitative analyses of curriculum materials and classroom observations alongside quantitative assessments of students' language proficiency and cultural awareness. The study finds that the inclusion of Nigerian cultural texts positively influences students' language skills, cultural understanding, and engagement with the curriculum. The study further uncover that students exhibit heightened pride in their cultural heritage and enhanced academic performance. The study’s gain is that it advocates for culturally inclusive curricula that mirror the diverse identities of students, thereby enhancing their educational experiences.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Judith Chinedu Udeh , Veronica Onwanyi Harmony and Existential Fulfillment: A Comparative Study of Wu-Wei Philosophy and Jean-Paul Sartre's Perspectives 2024-03-28T13:24:42+00:00 Juliet Nwenenne Elikwu <p>Jean-Paul Sartre's existential philosophy has been the subject of extensive scholarly debate, which revolves around reflections on human existence, freedom, and responsibility. Yet, so little literature is recorded in academic discourse regarding a comparative analysis between Sartre's existential perspectives and the ancient Chinese Wu-Wei philosophy concerning life’s fulfillment. This study address this void by examining the cultural contexts of France and China. The primary objective is to investigate the similarities and differences between Wu-Wei philosophy, Jean-Paul Sartre's existential fulfillment, and the concept of harmony from both a Western existentialist viewpoint and an Eastern philosophical tradition. Drawing on theoretical knowledge from cultural philosophy, existentialism, and comparative philosophy, this study aims to clarify how individuals in Chinese and French cultures navigate their existence and seek fulfillment. Preliminary findings unravel a captivating divergences and convergences between Wu-Wei and Sartre's perspectives. While Wu-Wei emphasizes alignment with the natural flow and spontaneity, Sartre's existentialism focuses on authentic choice and freedom. The study exposes a fresh worldview on universal philosophical themes that promotes intercultural dialogue, and sheds light on approaches to life's complexities. Ultimately, this study significantly adds to existing knowledge by highlighting the pivotal role of a comparative study between Wu-Wei philosophy and Sartrean perspectives.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Juliet Nwenenne Elikwu Examining Border Relations and Nation-Building: Nigeria and its Neighbors from 1960 to 2002 2024-03-30T23:29:40+00:00 Felix Tabi Okorn <p>This study explores the challenge of nation-building in various African nations, especially those characterized by diverse ethnic compositions and religious differences. It highlights how colonial-era borders, established during the partitioning of Africa in 1884 and 1885, have hindered efforts to build unified national identities and foster socio-economic cooperation among ethnic groups. Focusing on Nigeria and its neighboring countries, the research assesses strategies employed to promote nation-building through trans-border relations programs. The colonial legacy left Nigeria and other African nations grappling with complex border issues, exacerbated by post-independence policies that strained cross-border relations and led to diplomatic disputes. Despite these challenges, Nigeria pursued a policy of enhancing relations with neighboring countries, recognizing the interconnectedness of border communities. The establishment of joint commissions, such as the Nigerian Boundary Commission (NBC), aimed to tackle border disputes and promote cooperation. Through trans-border cooperation workshops, the NBC convened stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to discuss and resolve border-related challenges. Despite obstacles such as funding constraints and delays, these workshops remain essential platforms for dialogue, crucial for resolving border issues and promoting nation-building. The study concludes by highlighting the significance of the NBC's initiatives in setting a precedent for other African countries seeking to improve relations with their neighbors through informed dialogue and cooperation.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Felix Tabi Okorn Shaping Foundational Learning Skills: A Harbinger to the Future of Work 2024-04-03T14:27:20+00:00 Reetu Chandra <p>The acquisition of fundamental skills in early childhood is foundational for future learning and holistic development, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals' objective of promoting early literacy and numeracy. However, the State of Global Learning Poverty report indicates a concerning trend, with global learning poverty reaching 70% in low- and middle-income countries, highlighting the challenge of children struggling with basic literacy by age 10. India has taken proactive measures through the National Education Policy 2020 and the launch of the 'National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy' (NIPUN Bharat) in 2021 to ensure universal access to essential reading and numeracy skills by Grade III. This study employs a mixed-methods research approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to assess the effectiveness of India's initiatives in promoting foundational learning. Qualitative analysis involves examining policy documents, curriculum materials to understand the implementation process and challenges faced. Quantitative assessments include analysing educational data from the academic year 2021–22, particularly focusing on enrollment rates, learning outcomes, and the impact of interventions on children aged three to eight. These results show that India has taken a lot of steps to improve basic education. In this work, I identify challenges such as disparities in preschool attendance and pedagogical approaches that prioritise rote learning, which require comprehensive solutions involving teacher training, curriculum development, and parental engagement. Thus, as India assumes leadership within the G20, there is an unprecedented opportunity for global collaboration to advance foundational learning agendas. By sharing best practices, mobilising resources, and fostering multilateral partnerships, nations can collectively accelerate progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4, ensuring inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all. Ultimately, the attainment of foundational learning skills for children is not only an educational necessity but a moral imperative. Through sustained commitment, collaborative action, and unwavering resolve, we can unlock the full potential of future generations and pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous future worldwide.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Reetu Chandra Ultimate Outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Final Pentecost (Schema Pentecost – Pentecost on Going – Final Pentecost) 2024-04-19T19:24:41+00:00 Rudy Budiatmaja Seno Lamsir Christian Obaja Sony Saputra Hasahatan Hutahaean <p>This study delves deeply into the urgent necessity for a revitalization of spiritual fervour within modern-day congregations, especially among Christians who have witnessed a decline or stagnation in their faith journeys. It meticulously examines the adverse repercussions of spiritual complacency, which not only precipitates moral decay but also compromises the church’s ability to fulfil its divine mandate effectively. Utilising a qualitative analysis firmly grounded in biblical precepts, the research thoroughly investigates the phenomenon known as the “third Pentecost,” underscoring the enduring importance of the Holy Spirit’s outpouring in reinvigorating the church. Also, employing a critical theological lens, the researchers methodically dissect the theological ramifications of the “third Pentecost” movement, juxtaposing its tenets with canonical scripture and historical perspectives. The study meticulously scrutinises the subjective nature of personal spiritual encounters and their potential influence on doctrinal fidelity, particularly in relation to the interpretation of Joel 2 and the realisation of Pentecost as chronicled in the Acts of the Apostles. Ultimately, the research underscores the perpetual relevance of the Holy Spirit’s divine manifestation, affirming its ongoing presence and anticipating its broader and more profound impact within contemporary spiritual revival movements.</p> 2024-04-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rudy Budiatmaja , Seno Lamsir, Christian Obaja , Sony Saputra , Hasahatan Hutahaean The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Implications for the Principles of Distinction and Self-Defence in International Humanitarian Law 2024-04-19T20:02:18+00:00 Miebaka Nabiebu Eni Eja Alobo Amarachukwu Onyinyechi Ijiomah Roland Okayi Ipuole <p>Armed conflicts, stemming from socio-economic, political, religious, and security factors, have persisted throughout human history. The Israeli-Palestine conflict stands as a prolonged example, while post-Cold War conflicts by non-state actors have also emerged. International Humanitarian Law (IHL) introduced principles of self-defence and distinction to safeguard civilian populations during such conflicts, yet both state and non-state actors often disregard them. Israel, in its conflict with Palestine, adopted targeted killing (TK) to uphold these principles, as Nigeria did during its 1967–1970 civil war. However, permanent members of the UN Security Council often prioritise their own rules of engagement, neglecting self-defence and distinction. This undermines justice, epitomising the “might is right” ideology, as evidenced by Russia’s destruction of civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. Urgent reform of the Security Council is imperative, considering these alarming trends. This article scrutinises ongoing armed conflicts, including the Israeli-Palestine conflict, the Nigerian civil war, and conflicts involving powerful nations like the USA, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Russia. It employs doctrinal, analytical, comparative, and descriptive methodologies to assess the observance of self-defence and distinction principles. Findings reveal Palestine’s instigation of the Israeli-Palestine conflict, powerful nations’ preference for their Rules of Engagement, and the over-politicisation of the Security Council through veto power. Proposed reforms include the domestication of Geneva Conventions and Protocols, expanding the Security Council’s permanent membership to include African, Latin American, and South American countries, and developing rules for terrorist groups.</p> 2024-04-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Miebaka Nabiebu, Eni Eja Alobo , Amarachukwu Onyinyechi Ijiomah, Roland Okayi Ipuole